Luxe Media Consulting is a full service social media and brand marketing consulting firm created by me, Kimberly N. Foster, in 2008.
I am a social media consultant with nearly 10 years experience in website development and promotion. I currently manage over a dozen blogs and social networks which collectively receive over 35,000 page views a month. With absolutely no budget.
What I Do
- Consult with organizations on how to effectively use social media to reach your target market. Naturally, I specialize in those markets of which I am apart e.g. minorities, women, and youth.
- Strategic brand marketing via new media. Want to know how and where to reach black women on the internet? That's where I come in.
- Website optimization and enhancement. Improve the navigability, earning potential and and overall appearance of your website.
Why You Need Me
- The time you spend brainstorming ways to enhance your online prescence is time you're not spending building other aspects of your business. We'll begin by developing a strategy and setting goals. The benefit to that, as in any planning exercise, is spending time thinking through the process and the details. For example, should you start a blog, create a MySpace or Facebook account, create a customized social networking website or all three. I'll seek to maximize the output for the input. Success in social media is greatly attributed to making sure t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted. The more this industry matures (and yes, I do believe it is an industry) the more moving parts it seems to have. By moving parts I mean: authoring a blog (multiple genres), blogger relations, social media as a research tool (secondary and primary), advertising (on blogs and in RSS feeds). Sure you can launch a brand, blog or website without a strategy or the help of a ’social media consultant’ but I would caution people who think that social media is a just a nifty, new type of a website .. they are missing the larger picture and the more significant long-range benefits.
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